Jeanne Charlotte Vogt – arts & technology, digital culture and performing arts

Jeanne Charlotte Vogt




mail @ jeannevogt . de

Jeanne Charlotte Vogt is a curator, dramaturg, educator, creative producer, artistic and managing director of the Frankfurt based NODE Forum for Digital Arts.

As an independent curator, she is developing projects in field of media and performing arts. She is exploring and questioning established formats and researching on the conditions for collective and interdisciplinary learning experiences as well as meaningful and empowering encounters with the arts.
Jeanne has initiated Digitale Welten, a program that is approaching education on media, code and information technologies by artistic critical and political means. It is currently developed with a fantastic team of cultural workers, educators and people into technology. The team is also running Jugend hackt FFM.

As a member of the artistic team of the music theater project [in]operabilities (with artists like Benjamin van Bebber, Leo Hofmann, Franziska Henschel, Athena Lange, Susanne Tod, Sophia Neises and many more), she is exploring means of multi-sensory and multimedia music making, investigating aesthetics of access and questioning the accessibility of the world opera and other cultural silos.

In 2019, she was a resident artist at Goethe Institut Villa Kamogawa in Kyoto, Japan. From 2020 till 2022 she was working for Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt as dramaturg and was responsible for artistic program of the METAhub project. From 2021 – 2023, Jeanne was part of the curatorial team of the Hamburg festival for performing arts Hauptsache Frei. From 2013 till 2018, she has been associated with Motion Bank at Hochschule Mainz, a research project investigating the role of technology and coding practices in the field of contemporary dance and choreography and has developed the Choreographic Coding Lab series and international exchange projects such as the Choreographic Coding Production Lab Nairobi-Frankfurt together with Goethe-Institut Nairobi. She was part of the curatorial team of the Chaos Computer Club congresses from its 34C3 edition for four editions. In 2016, together with Alexandra Waligorski, she developed „A/D/A Tomorrow’s Utopia’s for Today’s Citizens in Hamburg“, a workshop festival on the digitization of urban space in collaboration with the local universities, Kampnagel Hamburg and the maker space Fab Lab St. Pauli. In 2015, they have founded the monthly Creative Technologies Meetup in Hamburg which is running till today.

From 2011-2016, Jeanne has been working as a researcher on cultural economics and consulting cultural organizations within the EU-funded regional development project „Innovation Incubator“ at Leuphana University Lüneburg. She developed regional networking initiatives and ran student consultancy projects for regional cultural organizations such as theaters and museums. She co-developed the elementary structures of an online study program and researched on e-learning didactics. At Leuphana, she has been teaching cultural and media theory as well as cultural management. In 2016, she has been part of the teaching staff of the global Goethe Institut online course “Managing the Arts in Times of Transition”. In 2010, she did her diploma degree in (intercultural) business administration and economics at Friedrich-Schiller University Jena and Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Italy – and sometimes she introduces herself with the term „Diplom-Kauffrau“ for fun.

Pronouns: she / her

// current affiliations

2010 – today / NODE Verein zur Förderung Digitaler Kultur // Managing & Artistic Director, Board
2020 – today / [in]operabilities // Artistic Core Team

// ongoing projects

Youth Media Arts project Digitale Welten in collaboration with the city of Frankfurt
Jugend hackt Frankfurt am Main – Hackathon for people from age 12 – 18
[in]operabilities with Benjamin van Bebber, Leo Hofmann and Franziska Henschel, 2020 – 2023
METAhub Frankfurt – on practices of commemoration in the digital space Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, NODE, Jewish Museum Frankfurt, Archeological Museum Frankfurt, 2020 – 2023

// past projects


16.–18. June / Jugend hackt FFM
20.–30. April / Hauptsache Frei Festival #9 – Beyond Digital Program
13.–23. February / [in]operabilities #2 – Laboratory


16.–18. December / [in]operabilities #2 – Workshop „Berührbarkeiten“
08.–09.12.2022 / A Singthing [in]operabilities #1– Gare du Nord Basel, CH
24.–25.11.2022 / A Singthing [in]operabilities #1
– Walcheturm, Zürich, CH
01.-05. October / Digitale Welten Festival 2022
Bar Mitzvah’d at Forty with Ariel Efraim Ashbel and friends
22. June – 02. July / Hauptsache Frei Festival #8 – Beyond Digital Program
Ongoing: Unboxing Past with Rimini Protokoll
25.–28.03.2022 / A Singthing [in]operabilities #1 – Radialsystem Berlin


25.–28. November / [in]operabilities #1: A Singthing
18.–21. October / Digitale Welten Festival 2021
22. October / Creating Cities Conference – Curation and Production of the conference with the Government of Québec and NODE
20.–23. September / [in]operabilities Workshop #1
9.–12. September / Mapping Memories 
– Open Air Event by METAhub
September – August / Hauptsache Frei Festival #7 – Beyond Digital Program


October / FrankfurtEDU Outdoor Lab – mit dem „Begeisterbus“ auf der Buchmesse – Digitale Welten, and DAI Heidelberg have been running the Lab with a series of workshops and DIY stations at Frankfurt Bookfair 2019
October / Digitale Welten Festival 2019 – media arts festival for teens in collaboration with the city of Frankfurt and Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt
May – August / Artist in residence at Goethe Institut Villa Kamogawa Kyoto


October / FrankfurtEDU World of Learning Lab Buchmesse – Lernlabor für Kinder und Jugendliche auf der Buchmesse in Kooperation mit
October / Digitale Welten Festival 2018 – media arts festival for teens in collaboration with the city of Frankfurt, Historisches Museum Frankfurt, Museum für Kommunikation Frankfurt, Medienzentrum Frankfurt, visionale18
April-June / Native Instruments Summer Hackdays 2018 – Hackathon, Berlin
/ Stipend within the dance production coaching program supported by Dachverband Tanz Deutschland with funding from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.


November / Digitale Welten Festival 2017 – media arts festival for teens in collaboration with the city of Frankfurt, Museum für Kommunikation Frankfurt, Medienzentrum Frankfurt, visionale17
26 June – 02 July / NODE17 Forum for Digital Arts – biennial festival for arts and technology, Frankfurt
October 2016 – July / Choreographic Coding Production Lab Nairobi-Frankfurt
with Goethe Institut Nairobi
7-11 May / Choreographic Coding Lab #9, Amsterdam // FIBER Festival
2010 – 2017 / Teaching at Leuphana University Lüneburg


October 08 / Choreographic Coding Lab presents: „Winterreise“ by Institut für Angewandtes Halbwissen (Benjamin van Bebber, Leo Hofmann) in Nairobi + Workshop – invited by Goethe Institut Nairobi
September / NODE/TADAEX exchange program – funded by Goethe Institute
September / Curatorial research journey to Iran / Resident at kooshk residency Tehran with Alexandra Waligorski to Iran – funded by Goethe Institute
25 August – 07 September / A/D/A Tomorrow’s Utopia’s for Today’s Citizens, Hamburg – funded by the Cultural Ministry of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
1 July / Impulsvortrag beim 40-jährigen Jubiläum der Kulturpolitischen Gesellschaft – im Workshop mit Martin Wimmer und Katharina Beck – Thema: (Kulturpolitische) Debatte und Debattenkultur im Netz – Chancen und Probleme
June 16 / departure Creator’s Lab der Wirtschaftsagentur Wien
May 2 – 4 / re:publica TEN – Talk with Thea Dymke (Bundesverband Deutscher Galerien und Kunsthändler e.V), Berlin
24th – 29th February / Member of the jury for the #ContentAward, category „Sound & Vision“ – by Wirtschaftsagentur, Vienna
February 23rd / Social Media Week Hamburg – Digital Media Women panel on how to manage your identity on social media, how to handle criticism and privacy
2015 – 2016 / Creative Technologies Meetup, Hamburg // monthly network event series


Workshop, Goethe Institute, Mexico City
NODE+CODE Sessions,
Frankfurt // basis Frankfurt, Mousonturm – funded by Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft
Choreographic Coding Lab #4,
New York – invited by NYU Tisch School of the Arts
NODE15 Forum for Digital Arts, Frankfurt // Exhibition „The Informed Body“ – Curator
Choreographic Coding Lab #3, Berlin // retune conference
Leuphana University // Incubator College / E-Learning Projects and Internationalization
Talk at Culture 4.0 – Now Loading? Conference // at ZKM, Karlsruhe


Resonate 2014 // Chair of the panel on „Choreographic Coding“
Leuphana University // Digital School // study program development


Choreographic Coding Lab #1 – Motion Bank / The Forsythe Company, Frankfurt_ID, Frankfurt (Main)
Leuphana University // Incubator College / Network and Event Management

2012 and ealier

Innovation Incubator Lüneburg // Network and Event Management / Leuphana Energieforum 2013 / Night of the Start-Ups / ANALOG @ Video Vortex#9
Innovation Incubator Lüneburg // Research Team Kultur und Region // Kunst und Kultur Distrikte – arts and culture networking in the region // Mumbai Study Tour 2012 // besides reproduction exhibition // NODE13 Forum for Digital Arts // Leuphana University / Conference ANALOG & Video Vortex #9 // photographic installation „Wohin wollen Sie eigentlich?“ – Art Wriedel 2012 // ACEI 2012 17th International Conference on Cultural Economics with Massimiliano Nuccio // the short film festival jena – cellu l’art// project documentation

// publication

Vogt, J., Bellina, L., John, B. (2016): Virtuelle Mobilität und Kompetenzerwerb. Wie durch international vernetzte Online-Seminare Kompetenzen für eine heterogene, globale Informationsgesellschaft vermittelt werden können, In: Karin Beck, Thorsten Bothe, Thomas Glaser, Claudia Heuer, Julia Schütz, Andreas Seifert (Hrsg.): Bildung und Hochschule – Impulse für Studium und Lehre am Beispiel des Leuphana College.

Scharlau, I., Gräber-Magocsi, S., Keding, G., Lopez Benavides, D., & Vogt, J. C. (2014): Studium Individuale Online. 145 S.

// education

Diploma – Intercultural Management, Innovation Economics, Human Development Economics at Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena and Università degli Studi Roma Tre

// all photos and texts

by jeanne charlotte vogt
unless signed differently.

(I am not responsible for any content of external links)

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