Jeanne Charlotte Vogt – arts & technology, digital culture and performing arts

A/D/A Utopien für Stadtmenschen von Heute

“In an age of advanced technology, inefficiency is the sin against the Holy Ghost” (A. Huxley) and against the digital agenda of a truly future-oriented city.

The smart city observes our movements, analyses us, regulates us and thinks a few steps ahead. We inhabitants of metropolises can already look forward to streets that steer us and drive us to work without congestion.
City kids can limitlessly go to the countryside and have more free time to stroll. We report a mangled garbage can using our Hamburg app as we pass by, and with every free minute we gain, we increase the gross domestic product. Welcome to the smart new city!
We invite you to develop your own future scenarios with international artists and to learn concrete strategies for handling surveillance, analog and digital technologies and a smartening environment.

In seven workshops in the neighborhood of St. Pauli, Fab Lab Fabulous St. Pauli, Künstlerhaus FAKTOR and other venues, for people of all ages, you can create smart fashion for stylish city dwellers, trick surveillance cameras and develop truly helpful prototypes – for daily life and states of emergency – out of 100 speculative absurdities. Let’s outsmart the city!



Jeremy Bailey, Benjamin van Bebber, Jessica Broscheit, Adam Harvey,
Kati Hyyppä, Filomena Krause, Mika Satomi (Kobakant) and Claudius Schulze.


A/D/A was collaborating with the International Sommer Festival Kampnagel, Code for Hamburg, CCC, Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften and Leuphana University. More information on the whole festival program on

A/D/A ist ein Format von Alexandra Waligorski & Jeanne Charlotte Vogt (NODE Forum for Digital Arts) und Axel Sylvester (Fab Lab Fabulous St. Pauli). In Kooperation mit dem Internationalen Sommerfestival Kampnagel, dem Creative Space der HAW, der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, der Hamburg Media School und dem Künstlerhaus FAKTOR.
Gefördert durch die Kulturbehörde der Stadt Hamburg.

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