Jeanne Charlotte Vogt – arts & technology, digital culture and performing arts

Jeanne Charlotte Vogt
mumbai study tour 2012

Together with Prof. Dr. Massimiliano Nuccio, we have developed the concept and organized the Mumbai Study Tour. The tour to this amazingly interesting city was a closing event for students who had joined a project seminar offered in the Master’s program Culture, Arts and Media  at the Leuphana University Lüneburg.

The Study Tour was accompanied by five researchers who are specialized in different art fields and cope with different aspects of cultural and artistic production. During the journey, the students visited art-related institutions and talked to practitioners of the arts and related fields. The long-run aim is to analyze the nature and the impact of the artistic production on the socio-cultural development of cities. We would like to get close to the source of local creativity, to get where imaginaries are produced, to study the process of value creation, to track artistic projects and cultural products in their process of recognition within the local community, inside cultural organizations and outside them.



Time: October 2012
Number of Students: 12
Institution: Leuphana University Lüneburg & Lüneburg Innovation Incubator

> Outcome will be published soon.

Prof. Massimiliano Nuccio
Prof. Beate Söntgen
Dr. Sacha Kagan
Livia Andrea Piazza. M.Sc.
Jeanne Charlotte Vogt, Dipl.-Kffr.

Organization Livia Andrea Piazza. M.Sc. & Jeanne Charlotte Vogt, Dipl.-Kffr.

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